Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Human Resources â⬠how individuals are managed within an organisation Essay
IntroductionPeople ar an extremely important resource for whatsoever organisation. To be a productive someoneal line of credit you need to employ staff with the decline qualifications skills and lie with.The employees of an organisation ar collectively kn stimulate as its human resources, in m either organisations, two worldly concern and private, the human resources de give awayment is in like manner known as the effect department. However, the difference in name reflects a shift in emphasis from a stringently recruitment and welf ar role to a greater concern just ab divulge how to maximise the per rollance of staff. Human resource management is similarly an integral part of m any(prenominal) production line roles. in that location are many duties per relieve oneselfed by a typical human resources department. These duties complicate drawing up and implementing equal opportunities and health and safeguard policies, staff consultation, negotiation, appraisal and s taff development, as soundly as training, recruitment and selection of staff. They are the most important resource in the production of reasoneds ands services. umteen aspects of the employer-employee relationship are c everywhereed by legislation. However, employers are recognising increasingly that good human resource management practice, which goes beyond the garner of the law, net gene position benefits for both the organisation and the individual.The role of human resourcesHuman resource management involves managing a arrange of roles relating to people employed by a business includingenlisting The personnel department must advertise accordingly and try to attract the best supportdidates for the concern, and the recruit the best applicants. If the wrong person is recruited, and then finds the job boring or similarly difficult, then the business will not get the most out of its human resources. Also where employees need to be flexible and autonomous and where curb con trol over employees is difficult, recruitment is becoming much(prenominal) and more important. To mold true the best person is chosen, personnel departments must be clear about* What the job entails* What qualities the job requires* What rewards is infallible to retain and motivate employees.There are many stages of recruiting, they are 1. Analyse what the job entails and decide what conformation of person is needed.2. locate how the vacancy is to be advertised or announced.3. The selection process unavoidably to be planned and conducted in such a way as to go over that the best nominee is successful.Training involves employees being taught sweet skills or improving skills they pass already switch.Why might a business train its employees?It is argued that a well-trained subject force has certain benefits for a business.* Well-trained escapeers should be more productive. This will friend the business to achieve its boilers suit objectives such as increasing profits.* It should help to create a more flexible pass force. If a business demand to increase production, snipers then charter to be trained in new tasks.* New machinery or production processes can be introduced more effectively, if the staff are trained.* It should bleed to increased job satisfaction to employees. Well-motivated exploiters are more probably to be more productive.* It should reduce accidents and injuries if employees are trained in health and sanctuary procedures.* It whitethorn improve the image of the company.* It can improve employees chances of promotion.How does a firm know if training is demand?One method might be to use the job description to find the skills and knowledge needed to do the job. If the employees skills do not match up with the ones in the job description, then there is a need for re-training.Employees can also be asked about areas where they are not quite as confident, and think whitethorn need a little work on. This should make them more c ommitted to training. Training needs are undercoat at polar levels within a business.Training is often divided into on-the-job-training and off-the-job-training. On-the-job-training takes place when employees are trained while they are carrying out an activity, often at their place of work. Off-the-job training takes place away from the job, at a different location. It may involve the employee being released for periods of prison term to at extend courses at colleges or another(prenominal)(prenominal) institutions. This is by far the most popular form of training.One vital key task of HRM is to keep up to date with piece of work legislation (UK and EU) and to remain alert to the implications of such legislation for the firm and the workers.The main aim of such legislation is to ensure that employees rights are protected. Basic rights include* Employees must receive a written statement of hurt and conditions of employment within 13 weeks of starting work.* They must be paid the comparable as other people who carry out identical or similar jobs.* Working conditions must be safe and healthy.* Workers cannot be dismissed unfairly.* Employers must not discriminate against any member of staff.Employees have basic rights to* They are expected to comply with the terms of their contract.* To do jobs with care and skill, to the accept able-bodied standard.* Observe health and safety regulations.* Not to damage the firms property.There are many other responsibilities that then form the basis of the contract of employment. The contract is formed as in brief as the employer offers a person a job and they accept it.Motivation at workFor many years firms have habituated financial rewards in an attempt to motivate employees and improve productivity. However in the last 2 or 3 decades firms have realised that * the chance to earn more coin may not be an effective motivator* financial incentive schemes are difficult to operate* individual reward schemes may no extend ed be effective as production has be have sex organised into group tasks* other factors may be more important in motivating employeesIf other factors are more important than pay in motivating workers, it is important for firms to commit them. Only then can a business make sure its work force is motivated.Team workThe Swedish car firm Volvo is a well-known example of a company that has effectively introduced teamwork. In both its plants at Kalmar and Uddevalla, it portion up production in teams of 8-10 extremely skilled workers. The teams decided between themselves how the work was to be distri exclusivelyed and how to solve problems as they arise. It is arguable whether these practices malarkey to an increase in productivity, but the company firmly believes this method of organisation was better than an assembly line system a similar system is apply at Honda UK but with four person teams.If the firm is al ways changing due to the market, which is causing it to either, expand or de-layer. Then they will have to transpose the work force accordingly.The case study that I will be tone at is a position as a secretary for Ratcliffe College.P1- enlistingOne of the most important responsibilities of Human resource function is recruitment and selection. The be of recruitment, training and retaining employees are high, but the costs of selecting the wrong people or losing key members of staff can be even higher. The processes of recruitment and selection must always relate the requirement for skilled staff to the business needs of the organisation. It is also essential that potential candidates be treated fairly.When vacancies arise because existing staff move to other jobs, retire or have to leave work because of unwellness. Some vacancies occur because the organisation expands or is restructured. Before the organisation advertises a post, it needs to decide whether there is a real need for the position to be pick outed. It might consider the following alterna tives* Amalgamating one job with another* Giving existing staff overtime* Recruiting temporary staff* Increasing the use of engineering or machinery* Once an organisation decides that a vacancy exists, the recruitment process begins.Internal recruitmentInternal recruitment strengthens employees commitment to the company, for example Kelloggs have stated the following in their recruitment policy handbook* Offer the job to an existing employee, as a promotion or transfer* advance internally, if suitable candidate is likely to available internally* Advertise externally if no suitable candidate is likely to exist internally(and display notice internally to the effect that the advertisement is appearing)Except in superfluous cases, all vacancies should be advertised internally in advance external recruitment methods are used.There are a number of benefits to publicizing jobs inside the business.* It gives employees within the company a chance to develop their career* There may be a shorter creation period as the employee is likely to be familiar with the company* Employers will know more about internal candidates abilities. This should reduce the endangerment of employing the wrong person* Internal recruitment may be quicker and less expensive than recruiting from outside the business.However, there are also disadvantages.* Internal advertising limits the number of applicants* External candidates might have been better quality* Another vacancy will be created which might have to be filled* If having investigated ways of filling the vacancy internally the business unagitated does not appoint, then it must find ways to obtain candidates externally.External recruitmentThere are many ways of attracting candidates from outside the company. The choice of method often depends on the type of vacancy and the type of employee a business wants. Each method has its own benefits and problem, although it could be argued that the overall advantages of external advertising are the opposite of the disadvantages of internal advertising, for example, there is a wider number of applicants.Commercial employment agencies, these are companies that specialise in recruiting and selection. They usually provide a shortlist of candidates for a company to discourse, but can also provide temporary workers. For example HMS, Alfred Marks and Kelly Accountancy Personnel.The advantage of commercial agencies is that they are experienced in providing certain types of worker, such as secretaries and clerical staff. They also minimise the administration for the employer involved in recruiting staff. Their main drawback is that they tend to produce staff that only stay in a job for a short time. Another problem for the business is the cost of paying fees to the agency.Recruitment and selectionP2-Personnel SpecificationThe first step is to prepare a job description. Before make-up a job description, the job itself has to be analysed. This will identify the skills needed t o perform the job and will also forego management to consider the overall effectiveness of the post and whether any changes are unavoidable. Clear job descriptions form the basis for preparing advertisements and for drawing up person unique(predicate)ations. Once individuals are in the post, job descriptions allow them to know exactly what their roles are, and what is expected of them.Before writing a job description, the job itself has to be analysed. This will identify the skills needed to perform the job and will also allow management to consider the overall effectiveness of the post and whether any changes are necessary. Clear job descriptions form the basis for preparing advertisements and for drawing up person specifications. Once individuals are in a post, job description allow them to know exactly what their roles are, and what is expected of them.When preparing a job description, it is important that the business to look to* Describe the job accurately- if you overstate or understate the requirements of the job, you will be less likely to attract suitable applicants* Avoid discriminatory descriptions wording that implies one sex is preferable to another is unfair, flagitious and unnecessarily restricts the number of people you are able to choose from.Below is an example of a job description, advertised in the local paper, for my case study.Ratcliffe College ruminate championship School secretaryDepartment Administration, including BursaryLocation Ratcliffe College, Ratcliffe-on-the-WreakeSalary 15,000- 20,000Requirements for the job* Enthusiastic, sociable, hard working person.* Taking care of any paper work regarding the school, and tell presss throughout the day on any matter.* Computer skills and experience of working in an office.General information* The hours per day would from 9am-5pm, 5 days a week.* There is a team of six people who deal with the administration of the school this includes the bursar, the head masters secretary and the four secretaries.The profile of the best person to fill a job is a vital reference document to use during the selection process. It helps eliminate unsuitable candidates, guides interviewers and allows selectors to analyse candidates objectively. The following are the key areas in drawing up a person specification* Knowledge and understanding required for the job* Skills and abilities required for the job* Experience required for the job* trainingal requirementsThe following shows a person specificationTo fill the receptionist post we are looking for people with most of the following qualifications1. GCSEs in maths and English, additional qualifications such as computer skills required.2. The applicant must have had previous experience in an office environment3. Must be computer literate, and able to use a photocopier.4. Must have an outgoing, friendly spirit, and able to communicate efficiently with students and fellow members of staff alike. Most importantly, they must be abl e to answer the telephone and help with any enquiries.When preparing person specifications, there are several(prenominal) pitfalls to be avoided.* Asking for higher qualifications than are needed, it runs the risk of passing over less-qualified staff who are likely to be hang frustrated in positions that fail to extend their abilities* Asking for more or lessone with particular or extensive experience, an individual with the right aptitudes, skills and temperament may be a quick learner* Stipulating particular age requirements, tasks that are traditionally regarded as junior can often be done as well, if not better, by older staff. Similar, jobs that have been regarded as the preserve of more mature employees may be performed by able, qualified and highly motivated new-fangled people.* Defining narrow physical requirements, these must only be specified where the requirement is genuine and essential. Remember that the specification of physical attributes can lead to direct or indir ect discrimination.* Basing your specification on someone who is already doing the job, no matter how good that person might be, he or she is a unique individual and no one else will be a perfect replacement. The new sleep togetherr will bring his or her own personality, determine and skills.P3-Reviewing Applications omit Puddleduck- she distinguishms to be able to get on with people and handle situations, as we can see this from her working as a carer in an ripened Home. She is the eldest to apply for the job and has a good amount of previous experience, which give her the skills needed, like office and computer work. Seems to be a hard work and has good communication skills, and also she has worked with children before so is a strong candidate.From her CV I see that she has three young children, This may cause a problem, as she has a live-in child minder.Mr Langer- Mr Langer sent in an coating form with exceptional exam results both from GCSE and A level. He gave some job expe rience which all showed experience but nothing that was relevant to the job description.His letter of application was very short with not much detail. Being as he hadnt any experience in secretarial duties then I would have thought that he would have tried to impress me through the letter of application. This didnt happen but because of his good exam results I offered him an interview hoping he would have something to offer the company.Mr Langers CV was average, he had typed it out so that it looked neat, and it was set well but the contented which he needed to impress me wasnt there. Mr Langer was a very intellectual young man by the voice communication which he had used on his recruitment forms and his given exam results but unfortunately he didnt have the relevant experience to offer this post.Miss Hill- the weakest candidate looking from her application form, but she seems to be enthusiastic over the job, but from her CV she says she likes socialising, which may be a defeatfal l as she may need to come in any day of the week. Miss Hill has no previous experience. From the CV her GCSE grades are not excellent, however, she has passed English and maths, and has computer skills. I am not sure how well she can communicate with people of different ages, as I have no evidence that she can. However, as she is young she may find it easier to communicate with the student, but she must be able to communicate effectively with the adults as well. She also has a young child, so she may know how to get on with the younger generation in the schoolMiss Hill has a young child, which could mean that she will need time off work to look by and by it. She states that her mum could look after the child at the weekends if necessary, however, her mum may not be available in the week if the child is unable to go to playgroup. So it may cause difficulties in the future, as she may have difficulties finding someone to look after the child or she may have to take days off.P4-Contra ct of employmentOnce a business has selected an employee, the successful candidates must be appointed. Once appointed. Employees are entitled to a Contract of Employment. This is an agreement between the employer and the employee under which each has certain obligations. It is binding to both parties in the agreement, the employer and the employee. This means that it is criminal to break the terms and conditions in the contract without the other party agreeing.As soon as an employee starts work, and therefore demonst rank that she accepts the terms offered by the employer, the contract comes into existence. It is sometimes a written contract, although a verbal agreement or implied agreements are also contracts of employment. The employment Right Act, 1996 requires employers to give employees taken on for one month or more a written statement within two months of appointment. This written statement sets out the terms and conditions in the contract. Some common features shown in the written statement are* The names of the employer and the name of the employee* The date on which the employment is to begin* The job title* The terms and conditions of employment* Remuneration and pay interval* Hours of work* Entitlement to drear leave and pay (if any)* Pensions* Period of notice for employer and employee* Disciplinary and Grievance procedures.Certain employment protection rights cover employees that are appointed by a business. administration legislation makes it a duty of employers to safeguard these rights. They fall into a number of areas.* Discrimination. Employees cannot be discriminated against on grounds of gender, race or disability. So, for example, a business cannot worsen to appoint a candidate for a job only because that person is female.* Pay. Employees must be paid the same rate as other employees doing the same job, a similar job or a job with equal demands. They also have the right to itemised pay statements and not to have pay deducted for unlaw ful reasons. early(a) conditions which may be included are the need for medical examinations, working from different locations, the right to search employees, the need for confidentiality and the need to obey the specific rules of the organisation.If the employer fails to provide a written statement of the main terms and conditions of employment, an employee could exercise his or her legal right to ask an industrial tribunal to decide what ought to have been in the written statement. This is then imposed upon the employer. Employers with more than twenty employees are also obliged to ensure that every employee has a copy of the disciplinary and injury procedures.Employers have always wanted workers to be as flexible as possible. In the past this has meant paying overtime for extra hours worked, or higher rates for shift work. Faced with competition, businesses attempted to use their existing employees more efficiently. Sometimes this could benefit the employee. An example of a situ ation in Adams is a single woman with a child was able to work between the hours of 9 am to 3 p.m. each day while her child is at school. Working flexible hours could mean an employee may take time off for personal reasons and still work their required number of hours a week.Training would also be given to workers so they become multi -skilled able to switch from one job to another if needed. This example of job rotation may perhaps lead to the employee being more motivated. From a firms point of view, an employee that can change jobs may prevent the need to have temporary workers to cover for illness etc. and so reduce labour costs. An example of this is the workstyle initiative at Adams, where team working has been introduced so that workers can change from one process to another and do the work of others in the team if necessary.In 1985 John Atkinson and the Institute of Manpower Studies developed the idea of the flexible firm. They suggested that businesses have a core and a pe riphery. As a result of increasing competition, firms have attempted to make the workforce as flexible as possible, to increase productivity, reduce costs and react more quickly to change. The business would try to motivate core workers, giving them job security, and employ periphery workers only when needed.Increasingly employers looked to make plans that allow a business to respond to changes. For example, if a large unexpected order arrives, a business will need workers that can get it out on time. Using a flexible workforce enables a business to react effectively to changes that take place outside the business. Examples of workers that are used by a business includes* Part time employees.* Temporary employees to deal with increases in demand.* Workers on zero hours contracts who are employed by the business but only work and are paid when both the business and the employee agree.* Workers who work to annualised hours contracts, where they work a certain number of hours over a ye ar rather than in a week.* Workers who bank time, by not working when demand is slack but being asked to work that time at a later date.* Office temporary workers to cover for illness.* Self-employed workers.* Job sharing, where two workers are employed to do a skillful time job that in the past have been carried out by the one person.P5-My Performance in the InterviewBefore the interview1. The interviewer should check that the interview arrangements are satisfactory* Is the pose adequate?* Is the lighting satisfactory?* Is the room quiet or private?* Has it been ensured that the interview will not be break up?* Has access for candidates with a physical disability been checked?2. Check through the job description and the person specification.3. Read the application forms again, not any special questions or queries.4. Write down the agreed questions that every candidate will have to answer, so they can make comparisons of each interviewee, this could including* Why did you apply f or this job?* Why did you apply to this organisation?5. At the beginning of the interview every candidate should be welcomed by name and invited to sit down.6. Begin the interview with an blossom or easy question, which should help the interviewees to relax.7. The interviewer should always stay calm and uninvolved and be ready to listen8. Keep observing the candidates. Watch for body delivery signal such as* The way they sit* Arm and hand movements* Eye movements and eye contact* Voice9. At the end of the interview the interviewer should* convey the candidate* Find out if the candidate has any questions or wants to add anything* Find out when the candidate could start work* Ask whether the candidate still wants the job* Tell the candidate how and when they will be told the result of the interviewAfter the Interview1. The candidates should leave feeling that they have had a fair attempting.An interviewer can ask either open or closed questions.* Open questions cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. Answering them allows individuals to express their opinions and to talk at length. Here are some examples of open-ended questions. What did you enjoy most about a particular job? Which skills do you think would be most utile in this post? How do you plan to achieve that?* Closed questions require a simple yes or no answer. It will always be necessary to ask a few closed questions, but their use should be restricted. Closed questions do not allow the candidate to talk freely, and they can make the interview somewhat stilted, with the interviewer doing most of the talking.When I was the interviewer I asked open ended questions, which allowed me to find out more about the candidate personality as well as there attitude to work. However from my colleagues point of view I was told that I was to set(p) back towards the candidate and to disorganise, this was because I had not gone through the CVs and the application form. This could have meant that I missed some v ital information about the candidates. Also I did not write any information down about each candidate, which meant that I could not remember what the candidates where like. Which meant that I could analyse and compare the candidates.As an interviewee I was confident going for the position, instinctive to answer the questions, with no problems. But in doing this I had not research the position enough, as I had a lack of information about the school. cunning this would of help me to put across my views on how I would of achieved the job successfully, and showed that I was interested in the job.I feel that during the interviews I fulfilled most of these criteria. The seating was adequate there were two seats for the interviewers and one doe the candidate. However, there was a desk in between, it would have been better to try and create a more relaxed atmosphere, by either not having the desk at all, or sitting to one side of the desk. I was familiar with the job description and perso n specification, and had already inclined(p) certain questions for each candidate. I had prepared a sheet with the questions that I was going to ask all of the candidates, a copy of this can be found in the appendix.I welcomed all the candidates by name and shucked there hand, and tried to make them feel welcome. Throughout the interview I used a sorting of open and closed questions. I should have used more open than closed questions to allow the candidate to talk more. This would be one aspect I would have to change in future interviews. I thought of some follow up questions, however, could have thought of some more. I observed the candidates several times throughout the interview, which gave me a good idea of their overall body language. At the end of the interview, I allowed the candidates to ask questions, found out when they could start work, and told them when they would hear of the result. I didnt tell them how they would hear of the result, and I forgot to ask then if they were still interested in the job.After the interview I made some brief notes on the way the candidate had reacted during the interview. All these documents remained private between myself and the other interviewerM4-Local Labour MarketEmployment by sectorLeicestershire TEC expanse%East midlands%Great Britain% cultivation & Fishing1,5000.46,9000.471,0000.3Energy & Water5,0001.217,6001.1214,7001.0Manufacturing116,70029.4418,70025.84,060,00018.0Construction13.3003.370,7004.4987,9004.4Distribution, Hotels & restaurants80,00020.1354,8005.01,319,4005.9Transport & communication22,0005.581,1005.01,319,4005.9Banking, finance & Insurance, etc.58,60014.8230,20014.24,183,70018.6Public administration, Education & Health85,90021.6378,70023.35,496,60024.4Other services14,0003.565,7004.01,068,9004.7Total397,000100.01,623,800100.022,534,900100.0The labour market is split up into three different labour sectors 1. Primary these are businesses that are involved in extracting cancel resources from th e environment. Examples are the first two rows of the table.2. Secondary businesses convert the raw materials from the primary sector into a form that can be used by customers. The troika and fourth rows on the table are examples of this sector.3. Tertiary Organisations provide services. The reminding rows are businesses in the tertiary sector.* Manufacturing contributes nearly 30% to GDP and employs some 27% of the workforce, goods produced range from textiles & clothing through aeroouter space engines. However, manufacturing output within the vicinity is forecast to fall by approximately 0.5% in 1999 before recovering in 2000.* Service empyrean employment is growing faster than at the national level, but the service sector is still relatively under-re certifyed. IT related employment, in particular, continues to expand.* Agriculture the East Midlands accounts for 10% of UK agricultural output, and employs 45,000 people across the region, rising to nearly one in five of the workforce in some areas.* Unemployment the regional claimant rate has been below the UK rate and currently stands at 3.9% compared to the UK 4.4% for May 1999.Current situation & prospectsWithin the East Midlands, exploitation in services was estimated to have been stronger than the UK as a whole during 1998. However, the region saw a sharp slowdown in business services growth, reflecting the dependence of the sector on local manufacturing. Manufacturing output declined significantly during 1998, due to disablement in both domestic and export demand, and a strong pound. Manufacturing output within the region is forecast to continue to decline during 1999, before recovering in 2000. Subdued performance is also expected in retailing & distribution, and in transport & communications. Overall regional GDP is expected to rise only reasonably by 0.3% during 1999, with employment levels expected to remain static.Short-term changes in the GDP by sector (% per year)ManufacturingServices OtherAll servicesFin. & Bus. Services199819992000199819992000199819992000199819992000E.M.0.30.3- secret investment fundsThe region has seen inward investment in manufacturing over recent years. In the first half of 1998 the East Midlands won 16 inward investment projects, which created a total of 2,240 jobs. Approximately 50% of the projects came from the USA. Other inward investment projects within the region include Toyota, the Japanese car manufacturer, which has expanded its plant at Burnaston in Derbyshire at a cost of 200m in order to build a second car model, the Corolla.The region has also been successful in attracting call centres, despite competition. In the future as direct banking and insurance services increase, further investment opportunities are likely to arise for the region. The East Midlands success in attracting inward investment can be explained by its central location, good infrastructur e links with the rest of the country, relatively low land prices, and the quality of its workforce.Leicestershires Industrial ProfileLeicestershires industrial structure has experienced a long period of change and this change is seen to continue. The manufacturing pains consists of textiles and clothing, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, food for thought processing, printing and publishing, and pharmaceuticals. In Leicestershire 26% of the population are employed in this sector compared with 19% nationally. The most important manufacturing industry group, in terms of output, cadaver other manufacturing which includes textiles and food manufacturing, currently accounting for half of all manufacturing output.The fastest growing sector was national transport and communications, with an average annual growth of 9.6% since 1992. This growth largely reflects the advantages of Leicestershire as a central location for distributionIndustrial sectorsLeicestershire TEC areaLei cestershire countyLeicester cityRutland1999 Employee estimatesNumber%Number%Number%Number%Agriculture & Fishing3,1000.82,7001.2004003.5Energy & Water9,2002.35,6002.43,2002.14003.5Manufacturing102,60026.064,30028.136,30023.82,00017.4Construction149003.810,0004.44,3002.86005.2Distribution, Hotels & restaurants83,00021.151,10022.329,20019.12,70023.5Transport & communication23,1005.916,1007.06,5004.35004.3Banking, finance & Insurance, etc.54,80013.928,10012.325,60016.81,1009.6Public administration, Education & Health85,90021.841,90018.340,60026.63,40039.6Other services16,6004.29,3004.16,9004.54003.5Total employees393,200100.0229,100100.0152,600100.011,500100.0M5 Analysing the recruitment documentsI think I should have spaced out the application form a bit better and left more room for the forenames and surnames. On the application form I didnt put a space for sex, this should have been entered, as some people may see it as not giving equal opportunities. I think that it is of a good si ze, and the font is neither too small nor too large, however, if there had been more spaces left, then it may have been easier to read. There is not a final section asking for a reenforcement statement. This does not give the applicant opportunity to sell themselves.I should have put some spaces in the Employment History section for reason for go forth the job, and also how long they had been at their last job for. This would have given me some indication on how willing they are. Also if I had left space at the end of the form, there would have been space for the candidates to sell themselves, also giving me more information to base my questions on at the interview. There should have also been more space for them to fill in information about their education. In the references section there should be space to show what relationship the person given as a reference is to the candidate.As it is important for companies to enforce equal opportunities I should have had a section in the a pplication form asking if they had a disability, what their ethnic origin is and also what colour they consider themselves (black, white, other, mixed). This should be an optional section however, I should have included it.I also provided a sheet for the candidates to fill in just before the interview. This is where extra information could be gathered, and if any details have changed since they filled in the application form, then I could be notified of them.The appraisal documents during the interview I made some basic notes of the candidates performance. These notes included how well they answered the questions, and their body language. I also gave them label for their body language, their language and how appropriate it was, and how confident they were (1 being the best, and 5 the worst)In my personnel specification, I should have said more about the job so that they know more about the job and what jobs would be involved in the position. Also how to handle parents and children. Also in the job description, I should stated more about what the jobs would be involved with, like handling children from the ages of 5-18, so they need to be patient sometimes and also authoritative.M6-Strengths & WeaknessesMrs Jemima PuddleduckHer letter of application was most impressive. It was typed, set out correctly, and lots of good language was used. The recruitment documents that we received from Mrs Jemima Puddleduck showed that she was a well-educated young lady, showing she had studied both GCSEs, and A levels with excellent grades, and also well qualified. The only factor, which made me a little unsure of her, was that she had children, which I felt it might cause some difficulty about the hours she could work. Plus a degree in sports management. It was a very encouraging letter, outlining her strengths and weaknesses, and also stating any previous relevant work experience as well as any other experience to show her enthusiasm for work.Her experiences in jobs show us a very caring lady friend and she has taken part in work experience in very useful places.Mrs Jemima Puddleduck sent me a very short but detailed letter of application it was in written form very neat and well set out.Her work experiences have given her experience of what this position requires and I feel she would be an excellent candidate for this job.Mr Brett LangerThe documents that were given to us by Brett Langer shows that he is ma very hard working person, we know this by looking at his GCSEs and A Levels. So he should then have the basic skills available to do the job successfully, with A grades in Maths and English in his GCSEs. My impression also was that he may be a little well qualified for the job, nonetheless a very promising candidate. It showed that he had some previous job experience, however, he had never worked in an office before.From the letter of application he seemed to be an all round person, being able to get on with people. We can also see this from his pas t work experience as a Waiter and Employee at McDonalds, this showing he should be able to get on with any sort of person and situations.The only problem is that he is going to be working on a temporary basis as hes looking for a job in the business sector, so he will only be working here until he finds a job in the business industry.Miss Tracy HillMiss Hill is the youngest candidate applying for the position as Secretary. The recruitment documents, which we received from Miss Tracy Hill, she seems to be a nice girl but lack the personnel skills and personality for the job. There are concerns on how sociable she is, and how this may affect her work, as she may have to come in on a Saturday or Sunday. She has the basic skills to do the job with having GCSEs in IT, Maths and English. She also has no work experience in any field. She is the weakest candidate for the job, but we have decided to give her a chance to prove us wrong in the interview.Jemima Puddleduck questions1. Will you b e able to come in if there was an emergency?2. Do you think you be able to handle the children when if they get rowdy?3. Why have you decided to leave your present job?4. How long would it take to hand in your notice at your present job?5. How come you havent decided to go into the sports industry?Brett Langer questions1. Do you know how to use the basics of computer software?2. How long do you think you would work here?3. Will you be able to come in if there was an emergency?4. Do you think you be able to handle the children when if they get rowdy?5. Do you think you would get along with the different age groups that go to the school?Tracy Hill question1. Why did you leave school after your GCSEs?2. Why havent you got any work experience?3. Would it be a problem with the hours you work with a child?4. Who will look after the child?5. Will you be able to come in if there was an emergency?6. Do you think you be able to handle the children when they get rowdy?M7-My performance in the InterviewsTo start off with I was shy, I was not sure how they would react to me, but as the interviews went on my interviewing technique improved and I started to settle down. I found that I didnt really help them to relax and settle down, which made them nervous and allowed them t make mistakes, as they didnt know how to react to me.After settling down I became confident enough to ask the candidate questions about the job and putting them in situations and asking how they would handle a particular situation. collectable to this I became to laid back, I was showing poor body language for example my arms were crossed. I also acted to casual with the candidate I was told this from my colleagues who were also interviewing the candidate.Due to me being confident and laid back, I asked the candidate opened ended questions, which enabled my colleagues and I to get to know the candidate more intimately and what there personality was like.I also found that I was too disorganised for the i nterview, compared to my colleagues who where ready for the interview, as they had questions readily decided to ask the candidate. Which didnt show a good impression on the candidate and made me look silly. I also had not gone through the candidates information, which gave me a disadvantage, as I did not ask the relevant information for the job. Which lead to me not writing any information about the candidate, so it made it difficult on which candidate to pick for the job.I think that I also should have changed the tone of voice more, as I felt the candidate was finding the interview was acquire to boring.Improvements1. I should appear to be relaxed from the beginning of the interview so that they can give their best performances through out the interview.2. I shouldnt act laid back whilst interviewing the candidate. As this gives a bad impression to the interviewee, about the way things are running in the company.3. I should look through the application documents before I intervie w the candidate to have some kind of information about the candidate and question to find out more about their personality.4. It would be more fairer to all the candidates if I took notes on each applicant, so that I can offer the job to the best person, so that I can compare them with there good and bad points and offer the job to the best person.M8 Our own design of a Contract of employment1. Name of employer_________________________________2. Name of employee________________________________3. Job title .4. Salary .5. Start date 6. Pay rate..7. Amount of hours that must be completed in one week.8. Leave, you are entitled todays-paid pass per annum in addition to statutory holidays. The leave is to taken at a time convenient to the employer.9. Sick pay and allowances ..10. Amount of holiday entitlement .11. What notice is needed when you want to finish thatjob.. to ensure flexibility within our workforce, you will at times be expected to work extra hours as required, but you will normally be given advanced notice of times.12. Grievance Procedures, if you wish to raise any grievance relating to your employment, you should do so in agreement with the grievance procedure shown in the employee information binder, which can be obtained from the Personal office.13. Pension scheme, details of the contributory company pension scheme, for which you are eligible, may be obtained from the personnel office.14. Discipline Rules, the company rules form part of your conditions of employment. These are shown in the Employee Information Binder and it is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with these and observe them at all times.
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